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Beautiful Sunset In Tanjung Papuma Beach



Talking about the beautifulness of it’s beaches, Indonesia is truly become the champion. From Sabang until Merauke, there’s a mount of beaches which is so wonderful and have each unique that makes many tourist from all over the world become stunned.

There are some specific beach character seeing by two kind of ocean, south and north. Beaches in north ocean are

known by the wave that is more steady and do not have any high wave. Different with north ocean, beaches in south ocean are known by it wildness of the wave. It caused by the wind that flown in Indonesia that mostly flown from north to south than south to north. Beside that point, the beaches at the south ocean of Java and mostly Indonesia are close to many legend and famous mystical story about Kanjeng Ratu Segara Kidul who leads her mystic kingdom under the grace of Java Sea. But in fact, this myth not only live in the local beliefs system of Javanese people, but also in another island like Bali, Lombok, and some of East island of Indonesia. The different is the way they named Kanjeng Ratu Segara Kidul itself.

Now we will take you travel to one of the most beautiful beach in East Java, here is Tanjung Papuma Beach.

Tanjung Papuma Beach located on the south-east of East Java, exactly at the Lojejer Village, Wuluhan, Jember Regency. To reach there, you can start your journey from Malang or Surabaya, and then take the transportation by bus to the capital city of Jember. From there, you can take one night first to have some sleep and preparation to continue your journey in the morning. From Jember, you can take public transportation to Ambulu and continue with ojek. Or if you go with huge number of group, you can go with the rent car from Jember.

Tanjung Papuma beach are so beautiful and mesmerizing. It claimed as the most beautiful sunsets in East Java. The wave are wild and big enough so better you don’t swim there. Tanjung Papuma beach has many coral hills that is well maintained by the officer of natural conservation. You can go around the beach by take a walk and hike the coral hills at the day until the evening to see the sunset from the best spot.

Beside for travel, Tanjung Papuma beach also known as the good place to study for you who like biological science or taking study at that major fields. There are lot of shells and fossil planted at the coral hills and many spots which could taken as an good observation about environment and climate.

If you like to stay for a night at Tanjung Papuma, don’t you worry because Tanjung Papuma have many gazeboos that you could use as a place to sleep. But watch out about the mosquitoes during the night. Don’t forget to bring your lotion and use your jacket, masker, and socks during sleep, or you can bring your own tent for a better suggestion.

How about the food? Based on our experience when we had our journey to Tanjung Papuma, there are some waroongs near beach sells many kind of simple food like instant noodle, nasi campur, and many kind of drinks like coconut ice, tea, coffee or only mineral water. The price is quiet affordable, but unfortunately they usually closed at the night so it will be some problem if you feel hungry at night. So, we suggest you to bring some snacks or instant food, and don’t forget your portable stove too.


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