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Witnessing The Old Minang Heritage At The Pagaruyung Palace, West Sumatera

rumahgadang3-full   Minangkabau is one of the biggest ethnic group in Indonesia. Minangnese people are known by their tough and adventurous character that makes almost in every city and every island in Indonesia, moreover in Asia and all over the world, there are a group of Minangnese people in there. Usually we see that Minangnese people having a business in their daily life in culinary bussines. It’s explainable because eating and dining are one of the major culture of Minangnese people for their thankful feeling to the God. And it is understandable why rendang also become one of the most delicious food in the world based on the universal survey a year ago. But have you already know how’s the history about Minangnese people? Now we will take you to our journey to Istano Baso Pagaruyung or Pagaruyung Palace in West Sumatera. It’s located at Batusangkar, West Sumatera, as a part of the Residence of Tanah Datar. istano-pagaruyung1 Pagaruyung Palace standing gracefully between the green garden and the silhouette of the hills at Batusangkar. It’s become the heritage and evidence of the victory of Pagaruyung Kingdom that ever existed at the 17-18th century.  At that centuries, Minangkabau become one of the biggest kingdom that centered at the Pagaruyung Kingdom. The glory of the dynasty drawned away after the colonialism entered Nusantara. Pagaruyung Kingdom become colonialized and the area taken over by Netherlands. 0849b9275611976b7e74e7406ade5f34-d5bzcca_zps88497832 Actually, the location of Pagaruyung Palace are high on the hills at Batusangkar. But, after the colonialization by the Netherlands, there was a big war and terrible accident that makes Pagaruyung Palace burnt away. And many years after Indonesia get the independence, Pagaruyung Palace renovated and relocated at it’s location right now. One big accident happened again at 2004, Pagaruyung Palace once again burnt away that caused by the slash of thunder. It has been renovated again and standing proudly and grandiosely until now. istana_pagaruyung_terbakar1 You will amazed by the grace of Pagaruyung Palace when you are there. The big and long palace made from wooden, with the specific and unique roof that becomes the identity of Minangkabau will welcoming you and ready to take you to their glorious past. Inside the palace, there are some of the ancient stuffs as the heritage that could be saved from the accidents happened twice before. The bed of the King, and some of house equipment made by silver, some of the stuffs could be saved. You can also go upstairs to the second floor of Pagaruyung Palace to see the beautiful scenery of Batusangkar from the balcony. 3352816 If you want to keep the beautiful memory of your trip to Pagaruyung Palace, you can also rent a Minangkabau’s Costume to be captured in photograph. RG - 5 Outside the palace, there’s a big, wide, and green garden for you to get relaxed and enjoying the w hole comfortable and fresh atmosphere of Pagaruyung Palace at Batusangkar, West Sumatera.

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